
when i was in the ATM , a lady came into it with a child in her lap.she looked sweaty and tired.She was crying and requesting for help.The child was quiet and her forehead bubbled with drops as her skin darkened with the hot sun burning her.She might have thought its a shop so entered it for alms.I turned at her and shouted,”Hey You get out of here, this is not a shop: The security guy will pick you up” .I was probably in a lost mind as she was …


life is not all about getting what u want or becoming the perfect to show others.
Its all about enjoying those moments of happiness when you have them ,forgetting the chances of their happening in the future…they may have come to you now but may not stay for long…
Guitaring is also the same Its not all about whether you can play it or not… Its the capability in you to feel the goodness in music, you may not be playing t=it beautifully .YOu may only be striking it like a ignorant child ,producing notes that may sound music to you but may be disturbing noises to most onlookers. But in that attempt you are exploring the happiness inside so that it can come out……..

Break free ………

As I was passing the elephants, I suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.

I saw a trainer near by and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” he said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away.

They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.” I was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.

Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?

“Believe in yourself”

Feel of a..

i was single for most of my years. …..
My body feels like melted wax as I prepare for entering her, peacefully drifting into her.”“Oh, baby, where were you for so many years” Silence falls an hour later. The inner turmoil of my single status leads to a troubled sleep.

Neena had a talk with Jo…

When we are insecure we feel a need to be in control.

when anyone is feeling depressed, self-destructive and suicidal they have a wide variety of unmet emotional needs…

He called her after a long gap of 2 years. There were emotions and sentiments that needed

expolsions. She too had the burst of love for him.
But bringing the true emotions out and displaying them was not that easy for him. He knew she loved

him truly and deeply.
” I need my piece of peace in HP ,when i lost it after losing you “


I had a very heavy lunch today after a long time. I was happy to be with my brother at the lunch time.though there is nothing like the formal dining room in our home, we use a part of our kitchen as the dining area. Its very easy to reaarange the area and put a chair with a table , make shift and share the food.
I had eaten too much and talked too much.Too much food after a long time …
I was sick and felt like vomiting after an hour.I put out everything in a split second , and the gush of bile and undigested food came out like a tornado. He suddenly started rubbing an ointment on my back/to caress my back to relieve my pain.Mom was shouting from the verandah,”What happened? He is always weak, go get some pudina for him”.
“Yeah ! I will go”
Brother rushed to the medic store to bring Pudina water.
Meanwhile i was feeling relaxed but weak.
“Bring the red chillies and pepper, should be a bad omen” said my father.
Mom went and brought a earthen pot with a hot cinders smoking some incense to thurify the room.
She was chanting some mantras( Divine hymns) when she moved her closed fists around my head,continously for some time. Then she threw the pepper and red chillies into the fire in the pot.The mustards cracked ane she said looking at me,”some times evils eye on you ,your body portended to that”.
“Now you should be okay , my child!”
They had to clean the mess i created,while i was resting in an old broken chair where the smoke was still coming up below it.
She brought the pudina water and gave me a sip.I refuted ,”Momma the taste is disgusting ,have i to drink it complete”
And all three of them laughing at me, She recollected how i was made to drink the nasty syrup ,during my early childhood at a local hospital. The compounder was merciless and he clasped my chin and dumped the syrup into my mouth.
“still the same kiddie with the frowned face at the sight of the hospital or medicines, hmmm “


During our office time , One of our AC s got Damaged and it was Supposed to be replaced, The AC Was placed above my seat and I had to stay out
for a while the workers repaired and fit a new one.
Its been long having seen physical Labor from so close.
They are the real champions of life , thats a team wrk..


Tears of happiness always roll downmy eyes when i think about life. I am doing it great. Whatever i am getting tode is the harvest of what i did …

Streets of cochin

Ronnie was terrified yesterday after the incident….

Hey !! never feel sad …but I know its difficult ..serikkum paranjaal … sad aakunathil thettu onnumilla…
If u feel like crying then cry … if u sad then be sad …. Pakshe its all with u ..aareyum convince cheyyenda avasyamilla …u r the boss..u decide …
Pinne ente kaaryam njaan aarodeyum onnum parayarilla … kurachokke mukhathu kaanaam .. ennaalum ellaam keep it inside ..bcos our feelings nobody cares.. reason is very rare people can devote time for u ..pinne cheythaal thanne they may not understand…

Is Love a circle?

Why did she say True love is like a circle? What was there in her mind ?
The extremities of love can be so stretched that involves mind and soul longing to meet them. Often we would want to live this life in our way. How beautiful it would be to live this life with someone you love and have everything submitted .
She felt him in every moment of life. Her life saw a beautiful turn with this relation. Everything seems so positive now and happiness returned after a long break. Some of the bad memories of a lost relation started to diminish and vanish.
Now she rarely speaks of her past.

Once they were discussing about relations a few months back. Then she used to talk about her fling,one whom she loved so much. They had a close relation. She would talk about how he impressed her. Often Jo ,as she called him with love, would come in between their talk.

People come to our life for a season or for a reason or for a lifetime. Some relations revolve a whole lifetime.

Why do we fear losing someone whom we love?
We feel suffocated and strangled at the mere thought of losing somebody we love. Its the worst feeling that can happen to us when we are in a true love.
………….. Time stood still there in front of Viv , like a huge monster.He used to go through the lovely moments of love they spent together when he was alone. He knew the monster knew nothing but devour the prey. He wondered whom can he talk it out
too. He was filling with emotions.
In his solitude , he would talk to her. She would reply nothing but listen to him. He would talk like a mad man to the walls. He murmured louder when he became engrossed with her. And suddenly stop whenever someone passes by, and prove that he is normal.
When he was preparing the bed yesterday night a small stroke of breeze moved the curtains and swayed them. It was as if she had come there….
Memories of a day they spent together last year came to him fresh… it was the most beautiful gift that she could have given him.
