
We walked as if there are no destinations that would satisfy us , but then we never bothered about the destination as long as we were together. Sometimes a walk becomes as essential to take off my inner turmoil out. Freedom from compromises , to find a place where the road never ended as long as i had the energy to walk. Freedom to express myself without words and she would undersatnd me. Yes, where she would understand me without me having to tell her.
Was it walking that mattered or was it the time, the time that we spent together……..
It was the time of the day that was most precious.

We kept walking with no destinations in our minds….

Unseen Love

I used to get only one off in the week and that was the Sunday. Come Sunday and I will have so much to do that I normally end up doing nothing but idling. I would be washing the piles of clothes that lay, cook up my day’s food and listen to my favorite disc in my player.
But now a days , one more schedule has been added in the day. She would call and ask me if I am free on Sundays, her call would come in the morning,”Are you free today?”she waits . I say “Not yet!”
“Any programs! Why don’t we go out together. If you don’t mind”.
She would be living with her roomy in a flat, next to the market junction. Whenever we agree for a meeting , i will normally go to her place and wait . Normally she might be ready and eagerly waiting for me at the gates.Its easy to get a taxi from there. She knew the places very well and knew exactly where the best restaurants are in town,where the sunday is best spent , where the cinema is and which language it runs the movie…Huh ,i thought of keeping quiet when the driver enquired where to go ,though i have been living here for years my world of movement was the road to my office and to the railway station. Hmmm……..